17 Oct 2022


We are pleased to announce that we have obtained the certification in the National Security Scheme. That is why we tell you what it consists of and what its main elements are.

What is the National Security Scheme?

The National Security Scheme is a Law that includes the necessary conditions for trust in the use of electronic means. For it, establishes a series of measures that guarantee the security of the systems, the data, the comunications, and electronic services.

Also, The scheme establishes the security policy in the use of electronic means and is constituted by basic principles and minimum requirements that allow adequate protection of the infrastructures of the information systems., services and your data.

Main elements of the National Security Scheme

  1. Los basic principles to be taken into account for what it does in safety aspects.
  2. Los minimum requirements that allow adequate protection of the information.
  3. The system categorization, at high/medium/low level, for the adoption of security measures proportional to the nature of the information, of the system and the services to be protected and the risks to which they are exposed.
  4. Las security measures are organized in: Organizational Framework, Operational Framework y Protection measures.
  5. The security audit to verify compliance with the National Security Scheme

What advantages does having the ENS give us??

The main benefits that this certification gives us are about having a managed and controlled system with measures/controls that ensure the correct protection of information systems against internal and external threats and incidents.

With that, we can demonstrate that we offer services with optimal security conditions throughout the telecommunications infrastructure, which makes our customers and potential new ones more confident in Loops thanks to all the certificates we already have.

national security scheme-Loops

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