22 Jul 2022

DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan), Why is it so important

What is a DRP?

A DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) the Disaster Recovery Plan, It is a system with which organizations prepare themselves against possible disasters that may damage their technological infrastructure and consequently, end its activities.

In a nutshell, a DRP is thestrategy and actions to follow to restore IT services in the event of any mishap in a very short time and without loss of information.

The main objective of this method is to minimize the damage that an attack can cause and to try to recover normality and functionality of the organization as soon as possible..

How do we implement it??

For the elaboration of a DRP we must know and implement the following steps:

  • reach
  • Know data loss
  • Initial scenario (provisioning of DRP and networking)
  • Develop a configuration and data recovery plan
  • Implement the test plan for the recovery of lost information

Tips to implement it

Once we have implemented these steps, some of the tips that we recommend can be:

  • Carry out a risk assessment periodically
  • Develop business/entity continuity and recovery strategies
  • Carry out an analysis of the possible impact on the business
  • Maintain and improve DRP

Benefits of owning a DRP

Thanks to follow all the previous steps and take into account the mentioned aspects, having a DRP reduces the fact of having to stop operations by a very high percentage and therefore will guarantee the continuity and proper functioning of the company and/or entity.

According to official data, the 60% of companies that lose their data do not have a DRP, which causes the closure of the company in a matter of about six months. This is why at Loops we consider it essential that all our clients have this manual to prevent possible damage to their infrastructure..

Finally, At Loops we can help you obtain this manual to prevent these possible disasters and thus achieve optimal operation of the company, without worrying about losing all the organization's information at any time.

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