21 Apr 2022

Loops uses Sphere to improve customer service

“Sphere is our best kept method, since it has cost a great investment and more than 7 years developing a concept for the new technological reality in companies”.

  • Sphere is recognized as technical, selected among the best in each specialty with a portfolio of individual skills.
  • sphere is a Artificial intelligence that selects the most appropriate technicians to carry out each project.
  • sphere is a method based on ITIL (Information Technologies Infraestructura Library), the IT Tools that provide the high level of quality in each of the projects.

To understand Sphere it is necessary to know the new reality what is happening in companies, which is called PULLS: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.

Within this environment, IT managers must deal with new projects, where the classic providers of IT normally they are not prepared. This is due to the fact that in the past each technological change implied learning for the technician., with its costs and amortization time.

So Sphere nace of a need for to be more agile and master various technologies very quickly and with lower costs. With the, are integrated to various suppliers that adhere to a very specific way of working known as “The Metod”, which we will develop soon.

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