The Method nace a raíz de Sphere, since it acts as a complement in order to achieve a cybersecurity infrastructure as complete as possible within the organization. This has been thanks to the procedures that we have carried out and the technical team that we have..
As we had previously mentioned in our posts, we present them “Sphere”, which was a network of technical, selected among the best in each specialty with a portfolio of individual skills. Secondly, also included a Artificial intelligence that selects the most appropriate technicians for the realization of each project and finally, and method based on ITIL (Information Technologies Infraestructura Library), the IT Tools that provide the best level of quality in each of the projects.
So Sphere is born from a need to to be more agile and master various technologies very quickly and with lower costs. With the, are integrated to various suppliers that adhere to a very specific way of working known as “The Metod”.
East, has been developed as follows:
- control platform: technology Information Center – Tactical Operatoins Command
- Technologies: networking, software, virtualization, security, cloud tested and approved, with a unique configuration system.
- customer experience: we give training, tools and personal growth to the Agents who will then have to help solve the rest of the clients. Includes from the Mindmap, Scorecard, to the north line.
- ethic: both in the relationship between Sphere members and in dealing with clients, where they are transferred to 100% customer insights (no reservations), quality controls and computer security are carried out.
Thanks to this methodology we manage to offer the best possible service to our clients, always taking into account the fact of implementing telecommunications infrastructures without failures in order that our client reaches its maximum potential without having to worry about possible unforeseen events in its infrastructure..